Thursday, March 17, 2011

DAY 8: Idols in the Church?

    So, what is an idol? According to, an idol is a representation or symbol of an object of worship; broadly : a false god;  or an object of extreme devotion <a movie idol>   Many people claim that Catholics worship "idols"- like the crucifix above the altar- because they have seen Catholics kneel towards it. We don't, but, there are two explanations for this. 1.) Underneath the Crucifix is a box. In that box is where the Communion is- the Hosts (or what Catholics call the Living Body of Christ.)  2.)  Since Christ is our King, we kneel before Him.....
      Ok, let me describe what statues/paintings are in my church. Most, if not all, Catholic Churches have a crucifix (which I have already explained as a symbol, a picture, and NOT an idol.... ) and the stations of the cross. The stations of the cross are the stations of Jesus' journey with the cross. (From carrying it, to the final burial.... it is just another reminder of God's sacrifice..) We go through the stations and pray... NOT TO them... My understanding is that they are similar to tools... like the rosary (prayer beads... more detail later...) We also have stained glass windows picturing the holy Mother Mary (among others) and paintings depicting the Good Samaritan and some of the other Bible stories. The only thing Catholics kneel to is our Saviour and King.
In the meantime, keep your mind open and your hearts pure.  Thanks.

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