Tuesday, March 15, 2011

DAY 6: Why can't women be Priests?

     Now, I'm not sure if this goes for any other branch of Christianity, but I learned pretty early on that in the Catholic Church, women can't be priests. (I say that because at one point I actually wanted to become a priest...) It is not because the Church is sexist, as some may think, but because it has always been a tradition of the Church. It goes back to what I wrote about priests being called "father." ( if your a woman would you want to be called "father" ...its like Hey Father Elizabeth!... it doesn't work.)  Priests represent Christ in His Church and since Christ was male...
   The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that "Only a baptized man validly receives sacred ordination." For this reason, it's not possible for women to become priests. Jesus chose  men for the twelve apostles (no women), and the apostles did the same when they chose their students. Also, I think that Jesus did have the option to choose women. He had Mary Magdalene, Martha, Elizabeth and His Mother, among others. The fact that He chose men seems to have been an important precedent for the Church. Therefore, we have male priests! : )

1 comment:

  1. i do believe it has to do with the church being the bride of Christ as well. you should do a post, or maybe just an afterthought about tradition vs Tradition... c:
