Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's been a while

I see that people are still viewing this, and it's probably accidental, but I hope you're actually taking the time to look. I've learned in that past few years that some of my information is wrong (you can actually eat in the hour after mass, just not before), but most of it IS accurate.

They always said  be careful what you wish for; I always wanted to live in a time of strife the Catholic/Christian faith.
I'm in college now and I'm still being attacked for my faith. I'm sure many people are aware of Obama's pro-choice opinions and that's fine, but his determination to make Catholic Churches pay taxes for it goes not only against the Separation of  Church and State, but also against the morals of the Church.

I was able to vote in this past election and, since my college is liberal, VERY liberal (not that that's a bad thing; if we lived in a perfect world, I'd probably be liberal myself), I was very often accused of ignorance and stupidity and "rural-ness" (meaning, simply, I'm not educated because I must be from the country) silly stuff really. That was tough. Especially as someone who knows all the right answers but doesn't live her faith like she should. I AM trying to focus on the "golden" Commandment: "Love one another, as I have loved you." but no one ever said it was easy.

Many of my friends here are atheists and agnostics and I've gained a few homosexual friends as well. I think God's focus for me has really been to teach me not to judge and to be positive.

I have a friend here at college that insists on making anti-Christian jokes and slurs. It has been really difficult for me to remain friends with him because though I should forgive him 7 x 70 times, but as anyone knows, it's really hard to truly forgive someone that many times when it feels like they're slamming your head against the wall.

I went to World Youth Day in Spain last year; I had the time of my life and met people from almost all the continents. It was great. I had no idea the struggle faced by Chinese Christians- chalk it off to ignorant Americanism- but it was great. Somehow, singing "Rain Down" in a dry airport (where it hadn't rained for over 100 years, supposedly) before a rainstorm and then praying that it would stop so we could get some sleep before the Pope said Mass in the morning, was so.....joyful it didn't matter that I couldn't even see Pope Benedict XVI with my binoculars.

God is good; all the time. All the time; God is good!