Saturday, April 2, 2011

DAY 22: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

     Since I talked about the seven sacraments a couple of days ago, I thought I would discuss the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Catholics believe that the gifts are given to a person after they go through confirmation. These gifts are not physical objects that you can touch or break (like the barbie doll or monster truck you got for your fifth birthday) but are "supernatural gifts operating in a supernatural mode or manner." (  "These are not gifts one simply invokes in times of emergency; rather, these gifts are present to the person as long as he remains in a state of sanctifying grace....The idea here is that these gifts help a person to share in the very life and nature of God, now in this life and for eternal life."

     Now, some sites I've found tell me that there are seven gifts ( faith, charity, hope,prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance,) but I remember learning these nine when I was in second grade, so that's what I'm going to go with. Forgive me if I'm wrong.... below are the nine... ( and
  1. The Word of Knowledge- one of the most common gifts ( it can even help you with your math homework! and I'm not kidding...) 
  2. The Word of Wisdom- ability to be able to properly apply the knowledge given by the Spirit
  3. The Gift of Prophecy- when you get a direct Word from God (usually give to someone else.)
  4. The Gift of Faith- although you have some from the Father Himself, the Spirit increases your faith in times of need.
  5. The Gifts of Healings- being able to heal any sickness or disease (like leprosy)
  6. The Working of Miracles- the saints are given this power...
  7. The Discerning of Spirits- angels, demons, human (like pride)
  8. Different Kinds of Tongues- this is speaking in different languages, sometimes at the same time.
  9. The Interpretation of Tongues- being able to understand the languages being spoken by the speaker.

     According to the second site above, the Holy Spirit decides who gets which gift: I Cor 12:11. Now seeing this reference, I immediately went to my Bible to make sure it was valid and found all of my questions answered about the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12. Since the Spirit is part of the Trinity, He is God and He can do anything. My interpretation of this chapter (remember, I'm no theologian) is that He can activate all of the spirits in each person, or He may only give to one to each person. You can have multiple gifts. But don't rely on my understanding. I encourage you to go read the chapter yourself and make your own opinions.

Alrighty then, I'll write again on Monday. Until then!

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