Monday, March 21, 2011

DAY 11: More books.

     Essentially,  a lot of people claim that the Catholics added books to the King James version... Au contraire. The 7 books that were "added" to the Catholic Bible were actually "removed" to create the ing James. Sorry. /: The seven books that were removed by Martin Luther (he was a German monk; not a civil rights activist.) when he created the Lutheran/ Protestant Church were Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiastes, and Baruch. These 7 books are called the Septuagint.
     The Septuagint were excluded during the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s  because they were not included in the Hebrew canon (book list) which was established by Jewish rabbis in the 1st Century CE/ AD. (So, after Christ died...) But the 7 books were included in the Greek canon (the one the original disciples used.) The books were fixed into the Church's Bible in 397 CE/AD (the same century.)
     Unfortunately, it is this difference of Bibles across the world ( because Greek and Slavonic Orthodox Christians have even more texts) that causes a such big divide between the different sects of Christianity. As I've said before, it's not so much as we have different Bibles, it's that we all believe that Jesus died for our sins and that he has and will forgive us if we ask for it.

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